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How Do I...

Add a name to the prayer list (sick or deceased)?

A family member of the sick or deceased individual should call the Rectory at 201-791-1616 to request that the person's name be added to the announced Prayer Intentions List. Names will be announced for two consecutive weeks at Mass and thereafter will appear in the Bulletin. 

Arrange a communion call?

Call the Parish Office at 201-791-1616.

Arrange for my wedding?

Arrangements for marriage begin by setting a date with either Fr. Joe or Fr. Sam ONE YEAR in advance of the ceremony. Call the Rectory at 201-791-1616 to set up an appointment to meet with one of them.

Baptize my child?

Our community celebrates baptisms on Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (except on occasions where there is a 5th Sunday). Parents must first attend a preparation class that is offered every other month at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall (and which may be attended during pregnancy). Call the Rectory at 201-791-1616 to register.

Become Catholic? Receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation as an adult?

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you! Please feel free to contact any of our priests to meet about this (call the Rectory at 201-791-1616) or email Sandra at The process includes participation in the program the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

Enroll my child in faith formation and/or sacrament preparation?

REGISTER for FallFaith. For more information, contact the Director of Faith Formation, Colleen Jagde, at 201-791-1616 ext. 218 or at cwjagde@stannefairlawnnj.orgOur Parish children begin formal faith formation in first grade at the parish level or in Catholic School.  

Get involved in a ministry, organization, or service?

Everyone can help! Thank you for your interest in getting involved at Saint Anne! If you are not yet sure what area you would like to serve in, spend some time exploring our MINISTRIES. You can find other programs for which we always need volunteers under the YOUTH section. 


Once you have decided where you would like to serve, please sign up for Flocknotes, which is our online communication system that connects all of our various ministries. You create a log in and password, and you can customize which ministries you hear from. (You will also receive a periodic What's Happening at Saint Anne newsletter.) It's completely free and you can opt out at any time! 


And don't feel that you need to limit yourself to just one ministry! There is plenty to do and we'd love for you to be a part of it! Thanks so much for your interest!

Join the parish?

Welcome! We are just thrilled that you would like to join our active, dynamic, and faith-filled community! Please fill out the form below and return it to the Rectory--we'd love to see you in person, but you can fax, mail, or email it back to us as well (click here for contact info).



Enroll in Flocknote?

To stay up to date with all of the Mass times, events, prayer celebrations, etc. at St. Anne's, please join Flocknote.  You may click the link below or the image on the left. 


Obtain a copy of a baptismal or marriage certificate?

Simply stop by the Rectory (or call us at 201-791-1616). We will need your name and/or date of birth to search our records.

Obtain a Godparent/sponsor eligibility letter?

In order to receive a sponsor letter, you must be an active parishioner of Saint Anne. To receive a godparent letter, you must have received the sacrament of Confirmation. Call the Rectory at 201-791-1616 for more information. 

Obtain a mass card?

Mass Cards are available at the Rectory. Announced Masses are $10 and unannounced are $5.

Sign up for online giving?
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